Saturday, April 01, 2006

Welcome To Pez Central

Welcome to Pez Central! On this website you will find anything and everything related to Pez. Feel free to e-mail us with any questions or comments at Pez Administration Team

Pez History

In 1927 in the country Austria, Edward Haas came up with this new peppermint candy.The word PEZ comes from the German word for peppermint (pfefferminz). It was an adult breath mint that he decided to market as an alternative for smoking. From the word pfefferminz they took the first, middle and last letter and came up with the word PEZ. Read More...

How To Determine Value of Pez

  1. Determine whether the dispenser has feet (an addition to the base that helps the dispenser stand upright). Pez dispensers without feet were typically made before 1987 and are more valuable.
  2. Check the patent number on the lower part of the stem to make a rough age estimate. Collectors abbreviate the patent number using the first two numbers, so a dispenser with patent number 4,966,305 would be called a 4.9. The five issues of Pez are 2.6 (issued in 1952), 3.4 (1968), 3.8 (1974), 3.9 (1976) and 4.9 (1990). Some older Pez dispensers are extremely valuable.